Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Synecdoche, NY

OK, well I made the 4pm showing at Lakemark guild 45th. Let me say that this movie I wasn't really expecting to enjoy. For some reason I thought I was in for some extremely low budget film that would resemble one of our super slow films to test my ability of boredom. I was pleasantly surprised with the quality of the in depth story and saw time was measured in our time of living. Charlie's life was one that was running out, so all his dreams and fears of life were contracting quickly. Death and how we all cope with it I feel is the message of the movie. How nobody wants to die, because we are so interested in building our lives. But this movie makes you remember your only one person with your interests of life and in the movie you see numerous life stories that you relate to, and realize their interests too. The older you get the quicker time goes by, and all the little things add up like the divorce and losing his child. The building of the film. Death is a funny thing because were all different, when death presents itself then deep reflection becomes relevant. Time is the one resource that we'll never control in the long-run. Overall great film, more than I wanted to pay, but great.

Graffit on Graffiti

The first project,

Well I found this project to be a very interesting idea and if not for the blue tape issue it would have been a great success. The planning process I don't believed called for complete disrespect of the schools rules, just a lack of cooridnating with the school. It did convey the point though of how enforcement of the system plays into graffiti. So good job for showing the authority of the school exist, and even through Joe.
Did the concept of graffiti on graffiti change much in my perception of the overload of ads that surround me? I think the idea of noticing ads was nothing knew, in fact if you take a marketing class it's sometime talks about how to create an ad so it will be stuck in as many peoples heads as possible. So, nothing new in that regard, but I like the idea of expressing the frustration of this overload brought to bear upon everybody. It's the voice of STOP! In order to make this point it involves more ads, but through graffiti. Thus by creating more ads to be introduced into our everyday lives to remind us about all the ads.
Overall the video was great, the game was, well, it could use some extra time to perfect. I'm all about the critical thinking in college and problem solving, which was taking place as the team notice their plan wasn't being well received by the audience. It would have been a little better on their part if they created the rules themselves and not been directed by Joe. In the end I believe the New York innovators would be happy to have seen their idea was played out here at the UW.

Project Freeze

The stop and freeze project, well what can I say other than BRAVO! I really enjoyed the video and the class exercise. I did feel a bit strange during the actual 2min freeze. I was in mid-step in the computer ail and the gentleman at the computer was feeling a little uncomfortable. He turned and looked at me twice and I felt like smiling and saying "don't worry I'm not spying on you I'm participating in a class project", but I didn't I just starred at a fire alarm fixture on the wall without even a smirk. How would I have felt actually being a participant on this project at Pike St? I think the little pressure I felt was nothing that they went through with people taking photo's of them and larger variety of variable that could have happened. I do however believe that I would have enjoyed doing it and that the experience to participate in that I would have taken with me. Maybe one day I'll find a way to justify organizing a freeze and do one myself.

Group Project

Group 3,

I thought I would share a bit upon Graffiti goup2 planning, expections, and thoughts of our Graffiti project. I'm conducting an individual video, which means I'm not really doing an assessment of the project, so I'll blog about it. The overall success in my opinion was the team aspect of everyone attempting to do something they have never done before, such as: a media video, a set-up of and a execution of a mock graffiti demonstration, be a game show host, and leader of a class discussion where the end result was unknown. The planning of this project was large considering all the activities that where taking place that day. However at the end of the day I thought all of it went very smooth considering all the possible variables that could have happened. Unfortunately the real surprise of construction to graffiti didn't end up happening during the video has planned, but it was still a surprise during the tour. Did the meaning of what we were trying to get across about the graffiti cultural and the conflict it creates in our everyday lives? I would believe the answer is yes, as seen during the class discussion. The class discussion was really the least planned for piece, but I believe was the most valuable piece. Instead of being directed "this is how one should view graffiti" and not express a difference in opinion, we actually created an environment to challenge and discuss the differences view in how we engage graffiti in our everyday lives.

Group 3 website

Sunday, November 23, 2008


Is there a correlation between the everyday perspectives and an obedience factor that drives us to comply with authority? The Milgram experiment has always made me wonder about what authority figures are telling me to accomplish their will. I'm open to ideas about if we are just naturally oblivious to the everyday or are we told indirectly that the everyday is just not important enough to spend time thinking about, so we generally don't.

Milgram Experiment

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

The everyday noise that I barely notice but unknowingly adjust my voice too is my furnace heater. I'm never aware of it when its running, I'm completely oblivious to this noise. I typically recognize that its on because my cat likes to sit on it, but I don't really consider the actual sound.


Jump out of a plane at 10,000 feet.
Close your eyes and smile.
Think of your first childhood memory.